Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Week 3 and 4, Term 1 2017 in Room 10 :)

Week 3:

Room 10 has carried on being a hive of production this week!!  On Tuesday we had our first Tuakana Teina for 2017.  The fantastic Room 1 are our buddy class this year.  Here we are getting to know our buddies - sharing our work and reading to each other:

Tuakana Teina #1 2017 - with Room 1 on PhotoPeach

This week we have been working on starting our learning programmes and completing our class treaty - we'll have our treaty finished and on display on Friday - call in and have a look, it's going to look awesome!! :)

We have our spelling lists now, and we have started some of our homework this week.  Spelling testing will be held on Fridays - once a student can spell all the words in the list, they move to the next list :)

Homework will be set every Monday and is due in by Friday.  Every night students will have their school reader, the school journals and chapter books we may read over the week as they have a range of stories which we cover each day.  Re-reading stories we have already read is good for our reading comprehension, vocabulary building and fluency.  Students may also like to read their own home books or school library books some nights also.  PLEASE ensure students bring their homework book and readers to school every day so we can use the books in class and add to/discuss our homework learning as needed.  Homework will include a weekly list of tasks, the daily reading book, and some other activities as we go.  The basic homework expectation will include:  spelling words, reading (minimum 20 minutes a night) and a reading activity, maths (practicing basic number knowledge and skills we have been learning), and a writing activity. For digital practice, students will upload a weekly post on their blog - once our logins and blogs are up and running smoothly.

As part of our reading and writing programme we have been selecting our own quotes to display in the classroom.  We will be displaying these with our description and persuasive writing - telling you what the quote means to us and why we are displaying it in the classroom - we will persuade you how awesome our quote is :)

Remember Monday is our Swimming Sports Day - we look forward to seeing you all there :)

As soon as all of us are present, I'll post a full class photo for the year :)

Our joke of the week is from Troy:

Why did the policeman put a bra on the road?
          - Because it was a booby trap.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

WELCOME TO ROOM 10, TERM 1 - 2017 :)

Hello everyone!!!  Welcome to Term 1, 2017 in Room 10!!

Its been a flying, fantastic and fabulicious start to the year in Room 10!!

I'll have a class photo up here next week, once we're all back on deck, but until then, here's a few photos of us working hard on our "Selfies" self portraits, class treaty and "all about me" activities.  We're getting our display areas up and running nicely :)

I hope to meet you all at the Meet the Teacher evening on Thursday night, but if you can't make it please feel free to pop in and see us in Room 10 anytime - our door is always open for visitors :)

Looking forward to an awesome year of learning and fun ;)