Sunday, 21 May 2017

Week 3 and 4, Term 2 in Room 10

This term we started whole school Jump Jam in the Rec Centre - 9:10 till 9:30 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Some awesome jump jam talent coming through - and not just from the students :)

We now have our Te Reo Feeling Emoji art on display in our cloakbay area - thanks again to the clever display skills of Kathy :)   And also our ANZAC display is up in our class.

We have also finished our Kiwiana art and acrostic poems - these will be displayed shortly in the classroom.  They look amazing :)

This week is our School Bookfair in the Library.  Our exciting theme this year is Pirates.  Ahoy there mateys - arrrrr arrrrr, it'll be a fun week to be sure!!  Dress up day will be in Pirate theme on Friday - for a gold coin donation.

We will be doing different Pirate based learning through the week also to get into the Bookfair Pirate spirit :)

We will also be starting a 'Survivor' style unit where we work in teams with daily problems and challenges to concur - the team 'surviving' at the end of the competition are the winners :)  Room 9 have already started their team work and challenges last week - we may do some challenges against them in this time too.

Our Joke of the Week is from Casey:

Why did the whale cross the road?
  - To get to the other TIDE :)

Monday, 8 May 2017

Welcome to Term 2 2017 in Room 10 :)

WOW!!  Term 2 is here already and Room 10 is busy and active with lots of learning and fun!! :)

Week 2:

This week we are finishing our Anzac activities with Room 9 and will have our Te Reo Emoji, Anzac and Tapa Cloth work displayed - we will post photos when these are completed, and so far they look amazing!! :)

On Tuesday we will start whole school Jump Jam 9:10-9:30am.  Room 10 will be hosting Jump Jam in the Rec Centre at this time Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, plus practising in our Room Monday and Friday.  We are Jump Jam sensations!!! :)

This week is ROAD SAFETY WEEK!!  Students will be discussing and practising their Road Safety Skills.  Please ensure all students use the Safety Rules - especially using the School Kea Crossing when cross the road to/from school :)

Home learning this week includes Reading, Maths, Writing and Spelling practise.  Remembering that our spelling tests are every Friday :)

This week's School Value is Kaiwhiriwhiri - Inquirer.  Room 10's 2 top Inquirer's will receive certificates at Friday's assembly.

Reminder:  Stanley Avenue School Assembly = 2:05pm every Friday in the School Rec Centre.  Look forward to seeing you there :)

Week 1:

Starting the term we are finishing our Anzac activities with Room 9.  We will put photos of our finished art and learning when we are finished - but we are having a great time doing our Anzac activities.

This term we start using our new Stanley Avenue School Values Certificates for Friday's Assembly Certificates.  Each week we will focus on one of our 4 School Values, and this Value will be celebrated in the certificates awarded to 2 students each Friday :)

Week 1 we are focussing on Whaia kia u - Striving to Succeed.  Students will look at what this means and what this looks like, and teachers will be awarding the certificates to 2 students displaying this Value throughout the week.